Plainville celebrates completion of PHS turf field


This article was previously posted by Ashley Kus Citizen staff on May 30, 2016 in the New Britain Herald.  This article is not the property of The Tinty Foundation. 


PLAINVILLE — Students, coaches, teachers, town and state officials celebrated the completion of Plainville High School’s artificial turf field, which was decked out in blue and white Thursday afternoon.

“This truly was a true community effort,” said former Superintendent of Schools Jeffery Kitching.

Tinty Stadium, named after the Tinty Foundation, took two years to complete with the help of the Community Turf Field Committee. The committee consisted of school representatives, town staff, elected officials, and other community members.

Committee Chairman Philip Cox explained the idea for the project started seven years ago.

“It’s turned into this masterpiece,” he said.

Funds to convert the grass field to turf were approved in 2014. The running track around the stadium was also resurfaced.

State Representative Betty Boukus, an ex-officio member of the turf committee, cut the ribbon.

“It’s very very important that all of us realize that we made a difference,” she said, “It’s something all of us can be proud of.”

Boukus was presented with a plaque by Superintendent of Schools Maureen Brummett.

The high school band and many athletes were on hand to offer thanks to everyone that made the field possible. Two student athlete representatives, Grant Sarra and Lauren Tanner, expressed their excitement to play on the turf soon.

“It’s a great privilege to play on the turf field,” Tanner said.

Sarra also voiced his gratitude and, like Tanner, looked forward to getting out there with his team.

“They truly did a remarkable job,” he said, “They gave the athletes a great opportunity.”

The high school graduation will be held on the new field on Monday, June 13.

Link to original article:

Matt Reims