Ground Broken for Plainville Artificial Turf Field


This article was previously posted by Brian Johnson on September 21,2015 in the New Britain Herald.  This article is not the property of The Tinty Foundation. 


PLAINVILLE — Town officials and athletes joined state Rep. Betty Boukus and representatives of the Tinty Foundation for the groundbreaking of the synthetic turf field at Plainville High School last Thursday.

Kaestle Boos had a crew at work preparing the foundation as field supporters gathered to thank those who made the project possible. The field is slated for completion by Thanksgiving.

School Superintendent Jeffrey Kitching, in a presentation last year, said synthetic turf helps reduce the frequency of concussions, accommodates more community use during the year and costs less to maintain than grass fields. He has stressed that studies have shown no scientific evidence of any health danger to athletes.

Town Manager Robert E. Lee has also said that having synthetic turf would help the school district avoid potential pressure from groups trying to restrict use of herbicides and pesticides on grass fields.

The cost of the project will be covered by a $950,000 state grant, which Boukus announced July 2014, a $1 million donation from the Tinty Foundation and $225,000 from the town’s unassigned fund balance. After posing with oversized checks, Boukus lead town leaders in breaking ground with ceremonial shovels.

“I’m excited for the opportunity to play on the new field,” said Dan Costantini, captain of Plainville High School’s boys soccer team.

“I’m very excited to finally see the dirt moving,” said Town Council Chairwoman Kathy Pugliese. “In can’t wait to see them put the turf down.”

“I never thought the day would come,” said Lee. “We’ve been working on this a long time. Weather permitting, it wouldn’t surprise me if we are able to reach out Thanksgiving goal.”

“Things seem to be on schedule,” said Councilor Patrick Kilby. “The town is very grateful to the Tinty Foundation for giving us extra money. This will be a state-of-the-art, top-notch facility.”

“It was clear to the Tinty family that the Town of Plainville has been very good to them, and this seemed like the perfect way to give back,” said John Palmieri, who represented the Tinty Foundation.

“The Tinty family has been generous to the town for many years,” said Boukus.

“I’m very glad we’re here at this point,” said Councilor Scott Saunders. “I’m very much looking forward to seeing it completed. This is something that all of our youth sports will be able to utilize. It will be very good for Plainville.”

“It was a bit touch-and-go for a while with the rebidding, but I’m glad we were able to get to it this summer,” said Andrea Saunders, chairwoman of the Board of Education. “I think we will all be happy to see this beautiful facility come Thanksgiving.”

“There has been an excellent level of cooperation throughout this project,” said Kitching. “It wouldn’t have happened without Betty Boukus securing the state grand, the generous donations of the Tinty Foundation and the support of the Town Council and Board of Education.”

Brian M. Johnson can be reached at (860) 973-1806 or

Matt Reims